Sunday Photo Fiction – Winter Storm


Sunday Photo Fiction – Winter Storm

The weather forecast had been reporting all week that a storm was coming in and telling people to prepare for flooding as it was going to be heavy rain.

The trees had finished shedding their leaves and the drains were blocked with leaves but no one had thought about that.

So when the heavy rain started it didn’t take long for the stream to start rising, the water couldn’t escape through the outlets in the block waterways.

The banks had been built up a couple of months ago for flood protection but hadn’t been finished.

Watching out the window as the rain started to get heavy and heavier, I was thinking that we should have been more prepared and maybe had a boat or something to use, in this first rain of the winter.

We needed to get out of here while we could before it was too late.

We had no idea where we were going but we were out of the house and into the car within a few minutes and off to higher country if we could get through.

As we rounded the corner we could see people running in every direction what was going on, then we saw it a wall of water coming down the hill the town’s water dam had broken its walls, there was no place to go, even a boat wouldn’t have helped.

There wasn’t time to do anything, the water hit the car, there were people screaming, children crying, our car went with the force of the water as it hit us, and was swift up the side of a bank and got caught behind a large boulder and grounded itself, we were saved, but many more lost their lives.

Yes, when there is a weather warming that’s very serious, take precautions to save human life, you won’t regret it.

The idea of Sunday Photo Fiction is to create a story / poem or something using around about 200 words with the photo as a guide, I have far too many words, have removed some, but it’s spoiling my story, so I will leave it, Sorry. Will do better next time.


    • Yes, I do write fiction stories but haven’t written many lately due to writing tanka poetry.
      I had someone comment about missing my personal touch with my writing, I know I can ask you, my friend, do you prefer reading my stories or poetry? I would like to get an idea if I’m on the right track with writing, which I will be doing for many years, I hope.
      Have a nice week.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Although there is nothing wrong with your poetry, I think your blogs are more fulfilling as a good read. I like to get to know people by their blogs and stories about their lives. I realize the work put into poetry is as challenging as a blog, if not more, I think I get more satisfaction from the blogs. I have nothing against poetry and some poems every now and then is a nice change for variety. But that is just my opinion. You do what feels right for you. Thank you for calling me friend. I feel we would get along well if we ever met! Hugs!


      • Thanks for an honest reply, I think you are right about an occasional piece of poetry, I get more satisfaction by writing my blog, will try to even it out. “Intro to poetry” lessons I did on WordPress, got me caught up with Tanka Poetry, which I enjoy doing.
        Have a nice week.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. A sad piece but also teaching a lesson to be prepared with natural disasters and situations which could lead to them. Glad this family was safe, but how sad for those who were washed away when the dam broke. Great write!


  2. Good story! I’m fortunate enough to live in a part of the world where the weather (usually) doesn’t kill. It must be frightening. (By the way, my story featured a flash flood ^_^ )

    (Spelling question: warming=warning?)


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