Carpe Diem #1274 Ryuko-ji (compassion)

Carpe Diem #1274 Ryuko-ji (compassion)

Today Carpe Diem have chosen one of the temples on Shikoku Island to inspire you with. This temple is named Ryuko-ji and is devoted to the Buddha of Compassion. One of the main ideas of Buddhism. In that episode (HERE) I also told you a little about the “State of Zen” in haiku and I remember that I told you a little bit more about “wordlessness”.

“Wordlessness” (in  Chèvrefeuille opinion) is one of the pillars of haiku. Look at haiku. Three lines, approximately 17 syllables and around 15 or 20 words. It’s a very short poem, but in that poem, the strength is the scenes that are tools about without words. So “wordlessness” is part of haiku.

at dawn
dew shimmers
morning glories

© Chèvrefeuille (“wordlessness”-haiku)


Photo Credit

My haiku telling a tale with very little words using the image above

autumn in the air
leaves falling

7 words, 10 syllables.


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