Ways of Healing – Fulfilment of Life.


Photo Credit – Beautiful Yoga Girl At Sunrise On The Beach


Ways of Healing – Fulfilment of Life.

Some years ago I was feeling not complete, something was missing, so I started looking for peace, balance in my life, a sense that I was okay with all that was going on in my life, by cultivating inner peace it may help provide some answers.

This is what I came up with after much searching and thought.

I studied, Reiki therapy, 7 Chakras of the body, Color therapy techniques, Natural Healing Energies for the soul, are just a few subjects I spend much time with.

I did find what I needed to heal all the hurts that been in my body for the last 70 years, that was in Jesus, at the end of this article I will talk more about it, it was a miracle that changed my life for good.


Photo Credit – Reiki Therapy – Hands-On Healing

Unlike massage, Reiki is about life force energy, not muscle pressure.

What Is Reiki?

It’s a healing therapy that is similar to the “laying on of hands” in faith healing.

Simply put, the idea behind reiki is that when a practitioner gently places their hands on various parts of your body, it makes you feel deeply relaxed. When your body is in this state, its natural healing abilities are given a kick start and work on any health issues you may have.


Photo Credit –  Reiki was developed in Japan in 1922 by Mikao Usui.

After three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount Kurama, he claimed he had received the ability of “healing without energy depletion”.

The name Reiki (pronounced ray-key) comes from the Japanese words rei, meaning spirit or universal power and ki, meaning life force energy.

How Does It Work?

Reiki enthusiasts believe we all have a life force energy running through us, and if this energy is low or has been disrupted in some way, (such as by negative thinking), then we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed.

They say that when a practitioner places their hands in certain positions, the Reiki life force travels from them into the client, helping the person’s body to flow properly. Because our body responds to our thoughts and feelings, it’s going to be in a much healthier state if we are feeling relaxed and positive.

Although Reiki often thought of as a way of treating stress-related conditions because it helps you to relax, advocates say it can also be used to help with physical and medical conditions ranging from heart disease to recovering from injury it is not touted as a cure but, according to anecdotal evidence from practitioners and clients, some conditions seem to clear up after treatments.

There is no scientific proof that Reiki can treat health problems. A recent review of nine studies into reiki, carried out by two UK universities found there was insufficient evidence to indicate reiki was effective in treating any medical conditions. The only benefit it might have were “placebo effects”. according to the review.

However, some people swear by it to help with a range of complaints as well as general wellbeing.

Reiki Healing Music! – 1 hour

There is nothing better than listening to some good music to relax you. There’re many videos on the internet that could help you.

5 Things You May Not Know About Reiki.

1. It is a non-invasion therapy in which the practitioner puts their hands very lightly on the patient’s body or holds then slightly above it. There is no manipulations or deep pressure.

2. While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion and you do not have to be religious for it to be of benefit. You do not have to even believe in it to be of benefit.

3. Reiki can be used in conjunction with other treatments, both orthodox and alternative. It may help people to recover more quickly from treatments and in some cases, to need less pain relief.

A Reiki practitioner should never tell you to stop other treatment because you are having reiki.

4. You do not have to be sick to have reiki – it can help with general feelings of well-being and help you to feel calm and positive.

5. The ability to give Reiki is passed on from a teacher to a student during a class in which the student becomes “attuned” and learns about the positions in which to place their hands while giving it.

Practitioners say healing energy goes wherever it is needed. Some people who have had Reiki treatments report a variety of sensations, from heat and tingling where they are being touched by seeing colors, but others say they felt nothing unusual.

The Healing Energy

There are many great books, information on the internet, if you read about healing energy, you will not only be inspired but will become more emotionally whole, as it is part of the healing progress of a soul-searching body.

Life is not a portrait of perfection, learn to except, what we cannot change, and you will be free to learn self-love.

Love yourself!


Photo Credit

The Seven Chakras.

Chakra – Ways Of Healing The Inner Soul

There are seven main energy centers (chakras) of the body which resonate with the seven rainbow colors.

Anyone who is familiar with Acupuncture will realize that there are, however, a large number of minor chakras throughout the body totaling something in excess of 300.

A Chakra is like a spiral of energy, each one relating to the others.

Imagine the main Chakras energy centers as a set of cogs wheels, they are rather like the workings of a clock or an engine, each cog wheel needs to move smoothly and at a similar speed for the clock engine to work properly.

Thus good health and well being is achieved by a balance of all these energies, the smooth running of the cogs wheels.


Photo Credit

Color Energy in Medicine

Every living thing on Earth is dependent upon light for its very existence.

Rays of light from the sun contain the full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

We recognize it as visible or white light. When light is passed through a prism, it is broken down into the different color waves that make up the color spectrum. The color spectrum includes the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

In color therapy, color is energy.

Every cell and organ in our bodies has a specific vibrational frequency.

Like tuning forks, each color also gives off its own vibration and is associated with specific healing properties.

If applied correctly, each color can trigger changes towards better health and overall well-being.

Practitioners believe disorders can be healed by applying colors of corresponding vibrational energy, either to the whole body or to the organ affected. For example, shades of red affect our physical energies. It is stimulating and warming. Blues are cooling and cleansing, affecting our spiritual energies. The yellow shades serve to bridge them, affecting our mental energies. The three colors together provide opportunities for healing our body, mind, and spirit.

Colors have been known to ease stress, fill us with energy, and even alleviate pain and other physical problems.

Used to treat both physical and emotional problems alike, color therapy may involve exposure to colored lights, massages using color-saturated oils, contemplating and visualizing colors, wearing clothing of specific colors or eating colored foods.

My father was a person you could call a colorman, he used colored embroidery cotton which he wore pinned to his singlet, every color was supposed to be a cure for some ailment

The Old Rugged Cross

My Search for Healing the Inner Soul

Last year I went to a funeral of a very special friend, beautiful service.

One of the songs that were sung was “The Old Rugged Cross” as I was singing in a voice I had never sung like that before, these words took over me and had me shaking, it was as if Jesus stood before me.

The Old Rugged Cross

The last verse

To the old rugged cross, I will ever be true

Its shame and reproach gladly bear

Then he’ll call me some day to my home far away;

Where his glory forever I’ll share.


So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross

Till my trophies, at last, I lay down:

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

And exchange it some day for a crown.

When I finished singing those above verses I was a new woman, now I see life differently, I’m ready for anything that is put in front of me, all those years of hurt that had been with me since I was about five years old were gone, Jesus had healed me in that song.

Last note: I was brought up in a Christian family went to church every Sunday day, I lost my bearings in my late teens, it has taken over 60 years to get back on track and I love it.



  1. Thank you for this calming post, Elsie! I believe in touching, healing hands. I also thank you for posting the last verse of the old rugged cross – it didn’t strike me until now of how much that phrase means to me – “Till my trophies…I lay down… and I cling to the rugged cross, and exchange it for a crown!” – Yes, when this world clings so much to the trophies!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Elsie!!! Thank you for sharing this heartfelt post for ForgivingFridays. I really get how Reiki helped you to heal, and there is such wisdom here in your share. For example, acceptance leads to self-love – WOW!

    I am honored to share this for ForgivingFridays. So that you know, I’ll be off email for two weeks! About to enter a spiritual retreat. I’ll post this and other contributions when I et back online (a forgiveness collage of posts!). One thing: please include a pingback to my latest post – this helps me to track all of the contributions. Here it is if helpful: https://forgivingconnects.com/2017/12/08/todays-forgiving-fridays-its-ok-to-be-me/

    Thank you, Elsie. So blessed to know you.
    Love and Peace,

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This was so inspiring and so spiritual, I love it! I have been buddhist for about two years now and honestly the spiritual connection it gives you is remarkable. I absolutely loved this piece and will continue to come back to it when I feel astray from my path. Thank you for being so inspiring and reminding us the importance of these spiritual concepts.

    Liked by 1 person

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