Alphabet Haiku: This Week – Letter K – Kakapo


Alphabet Haiku: This Week – Letter K – Kakapo

Photo Credit

#Alphabet Haiku Challenge or AHC

If you would like to take part in this challenge please use the above link

keen kind kakapo
keeping katydids knocking
king kauri, kudos

Authors NoteThe kakapo or night owl is a species of large, flightlessnocturnal, ground-dwelling parrot of New Zealand. It is critically endangered; as of April 2018, the total known adult population was 149, surviving kakapo are kept on three predator-free islands.

Katydids are a type of insect, found on branches of trees or bushes and are most active at night and sing in the evening, so this is where my haiku comes from the Kakapo are nocturnal, keeping the katydids from sleeping so they keep knocking (other words rubbing there forelegs together) singing to each other.

The King Kauri is a large tree growing in New Zealand where the kakapo could be living in the underground around them, nicely finishing the haiku (Kudos).

Hope you liked my story about the writing for this week Alphabet Haiku.

  • Every word in the haiku must begin with the same letter.
  • When written in English, it generally follows the syllabic pattern 5-7-5
  • Haiku/Senryu Poetry – Here is an in-depth description of Haiku/Senryu Poem (also called human haiku) is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all. Senryu is usually written in the present tense and only references to some aspect of human nature or emotions. They possess no references to the natural world and thus stand out from nature/seasonal haiku.

Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley


    • Thanks, hopefully they survive, not many living. Also hope you enjoy your weekend and you are not in the stormy area, that’s bad, watching it on the TV this morning, those poor people and their flooded homes.


  1. oh wow, hope they don’t become extinct. 149 is a crazy low population number. I’ve never seen them before. Love the K haiku, fun! plus you found a K bird, a K insect and a K tree so extra kudos

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, agree, I hope they don’t become extinct, the humans that are protecting them do a wonderful job. I never notice that about the three K’s, that’s quite amazing, thanks once again for seeing that. Hope you have a peaceful weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s great that they are being protected. Hope it works. lol, about you not noticing. I was wondering how long it took you to find a K insect and a K tree as I thought you probably started with the bird. I wouldn’t have come up with all 3 — two out of three maybe and one of them would be Kat (I know cat but I need a K animal, lol)

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Kudos to you too! And thank you for the footnotes, telling us a little more about the kakapo, katydids, and king kauri. We have katydids here, but not the others. Your poem means so much more, with this bit of background information. I love how we can learn so much from each other, and not just poetry, but history, geography, biology, and life in general.

    Liked by 1 person

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